Watch “”All Of Us,Tricked Into Saturn/Satan Worship”” on YouTube

The globally dominate religion of the world and governments such as the US with zero scrutiny or criticism:

I Walked Pointless in Vietnam | Mike Hastie

By Mike Hastie on Counter Punch:

“…By November 1967, 20,000 Americans have been killed in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara is replaced by Clark Clifford. McNamara privately admits to President Johnson that he believes the war in Vietnam is unwinnable, and that is brought out in Episode 5.

Now, let’s go back to the Vietnam veteran who was in that ambush in 1969. He is the one who watched Episode 5. Let’s get this straight: President Johnson decides not to run for reelection in 1968, and President Nixon is elected. By the time Nixon leaves office in utter disgrace on August 9, 1974, over 58,000 Americans are killed in Vietnam.

That’s 38,000 more dead after Robert McNamara tells President Johnson that the war in Vietnam is unwinnable. When the war is over, 300,000 Americans are wounded, and more Vietnam veterans will commit suicide than were killed in Vietnam. 

Can you imagine what is going through the head of that veteran who was ambushed in 1969 by the Viet Cong, and… by his own government? He went to Vietnam in a cattle car, riddled with bull shit. The Viet Cong tried to kill him, but they did not betray him like his immoral government. As Malcolm X once said: “To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.”

Can you imagine what is going through the heads of every soldier who served in Vietnam after November 1967, when the war was over, and we stayed in that war under President Nixon to Save Face! Can you imagine what is going on with tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans who will be watching Episode 5?

The war had its own momentum. How do you stop a war that is making millions and millions of dollars for corporations across the United States? For me, W A R stands for, Wealthy Are Richer. When politicians and the rich start sending their kids to war, I’ll start believing in noble causes.”

Read the full article at:

Watch “The JonBenét Ramsey Mystery (Why It’s Still Relevant Today)” on YouTube

Really Graceful YouTube channel does a fabulous job providing us context concerning assault of children, along with ritual sexual assault, the dark activity truly behind Pizzagate and a global sex and body part trafficking ring.

The current trend of exposing the uncontrollable sexual appetites of, primarily, senior citizens, or adults closely approaching that age, serves,  among other things, as a smoke screen in order to hide the darker and more nefarious phenomenon.

It is my personal belief, we are living in a Saturn worship culture, where the ruling elite, have not only tapped into the ancient narratives of Saturnalia, they have bound themselves to the demonic entities linked to ancient Saturn worship, which requires continues child sacrifice.

Think about this in light of all the scrutiny, even if much of it is deserved, among Christianity and Islam.

Just as ancient Rome tapped into Saturnalia to invoke Saturn’s “promise” of peace, harmony, longevity and prosperity, along with the promises of military might, humans are strategically doing it again. These are great incentives for the ruling elite and military industrial complex driving all US hostilities and wars currently.

Yet, nearly zero scrutiny is directed towards this massive and comprehensive religious occult practice.

This is why the elite are linked to the state and both the elite and the state are linked to all things of cultural significance right now in America (and why we keep seeing Saturn worship symbols, icons and images pop up all over the place such as churches, mosques, Freemasonry, the NFL, NASA, corporate logos, Hollywood productions, the music performance industry, the US government and military, and on and on) – all to advance the New World Order.

For those who do not know more about Saturn worship, Saturn was once known as a sun to the ancients. “Sol” was the reference to Saturn, not our sun today as is often erroneously assumed.

It is the desire of the elite (and certainly the practitioners) to keep all of this hidden from you.

I could go on and on, but the more pressing matter is related to the video below by Really Graceful:

Watch “5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA” on YouTube

Speaking of the CIA and running drug trafficking in foreign nations, get a load of this!

And who knew of some these people – as spies for Christ’s sake, and the domains of culture utilized?!

(In 2014) Ukraine’s far-right Svoboda party hold torch-lit Kiev march – BBC News. Did Anyone Tell Arnold Schwarzenegger? 

Oh, snap! It’s not fake news – it can’t be, it’s the BBC!

From 2014, in Ukraine when the white nationalist party, Svoboda, and adherents, were taking to the streets with their public protests. They turned quite violent too and over 100 people were murdered, then war broke out.

They use all sorts of Nazi symbols, along with the pictures of the faces of Austrian-Hungarian Nazis heroes from the WW2 era, like Stepan Bandera.

Even these Nazis will not just wave swastika flags around, they will permanently plaster this sign on their bodies.

Parts of the Ukrainian government and nation do not even remotely try to hide their love and admiration for Nazi heroes of old – they put up statues and memorials for them.

This Ukrainian movement is responsible for a lot of murders, rape, theft and destruction. The US and the CIA backed it all along the way.

In Ukraine, the Nazis will pull out and sport old “SS” attire to “honor” the Nazi past.
As the BBC reported in 2014:
“The marchers shouted “Glory to Ukraine!” and “Death to the enemies!” as they marched through.”

These Nazis acted on their words while weapons, training and funding were provided by the US. The death toll is beyond 3,000 and over 1 million people have been displaced.

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger chide any US President/politician for this evil? Well, Schwarzenegger is from Austria originally. He made a video calling out President Trump for the way he handled statements made in response to the violent protests in Charlottesville this past weekend.

Can you notice the hypocrisy? Should we call it “American supremism?”

Watch “Pink Floyd – “MOTHER” The Wall 1980″ on YouTube

One of the best HD versions of the 1980 live performance of “Mother,” by Pink Floyd at London’s Earl Court.

Pink Floyd was a band that rose to fame during the first Cold War. We are at the height of the second Cold War.

James Vaughan photo

“Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?Mother, do you think they’ll like this song?Mother, do you think they’ll try to break my balls?

Ooh, aah, mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for president?
Mother, should I trust the government?

Mother, will they put me in the firing line?

Ooh, aah, is it just a waste of time?”

How Are Freemasonry, The Illuminati, Christianity & Judaism All Linking Together?

If you want to begin exploring the link of major world religions of our times, begin with this excellent 15 minute documentary.

Freemasonry is an occultic Satanic order. Darkness has long used “light” to mislead and deceive. The link of all these religions goes beyond just the ones posted in the title above. It includes Islam and Hinduism.

The Kaaba (Arabic for “Black Box”) predates Islam and has many more years involving Saturn worship than Mohammad’s Allah.

Hinduism has grown to love the color orange because that’s the prime color for Freemasonry – it’s the only color that falls on “33” for their beloved Pythagorean numerology.

Even the newest city of the 21st Century of the Eastern side of the world, Astana, is all about Freemasonry – tied deeply into Saturn worship and mythology.

This religious movement is not compartmentalized into its neatly contained corridor of privacy though it thrives in secrecy. 

The word “occult” combines two different Latin words which actually means, “to hide knowledge.” If they were candid about what they were doing, the masses would not tolerate their goals. They own many of the governments and religious institutions of the world already, along with educational institutions such as most of America’s universities. They control most of the controversies we see in our cultures too. They work hard at burying the rest to keep them “hidden.”

The global population has been, and still is being, progressively groomed and conditioned for the full onslaught of their religious grip on the entire world.

They are continuously presenting themselves to you while your “eyes are wide shut” watching television programs like The Simpson’s, The Olympics, or even the Super Bowl – things that you would presume to be quite religiously benign or at least neutral.

To be sure, American and Western science is really about alchemy now, has been for many decades, the “secular” approach to knowledge is their contrived controversy to keep you distracted and ignorant. NASA, coincidently means “to deceive,” in Hebrew and really is about Saturn more than the universe or the earth and this “space” research agency is working in an alchemical way to drive you to Saturn allegiance. CERN is doing its part too.

Even commercialism and corporatism are incorporating Saturn image symbolism more and more each day as a normal operating expression of marketing.

Freemasonry is everywhere helping to make it all happen. I thought you should know.

Well, here’s the video:

The Saturn Way: We Are All Going To War, It’s Chaos Before Regeneration.

‘Look into my star, my precious. It’s so precious.’

While that might be a picture of Adolf Hitler shaking hands with the German Chancellor von Hindenburg, it seems as if all of those ‘precious’ stars or Saturn depictions were too tempting for him to resist power and destruction when the world needed peace the most, he would lead Germany to ruin the whole of Europe. 

Those are new German armored vehicles with ancient Roman crosses, by the way. They have entire train loads rolling out. If Germany is so secular, why the ancient Roman crosses on 21st Century weaponry?

Why do they have to use anything tied to the Nazis of World War 2. Maybe they really are not finished with being ‘Nazi.’ Or, maybe, like the Nazis, Germany tapped into something from the distant past they thought would unleash power and victory in their goals.

Those crosses have more to do with Roman power than they do with Jesus of Nazareth.

America too, along with much of the rest of the world, is simply oblivious to what is transpiring before their eyes day in and day out, week after week, as the US and NATO tighten boarders and weaponize Europe to its greatest levels since World War 2, but now there are nukes all over. 

That picture of Trump is an image shown worldwide as he signed more immigration restrictions (a normal component to war). 

Notice the Saturn occult upside down pentagram underneath ‘Valor’ sign with ancient mythology signs of thunderbolts of the gods with phoenix wings. 

In the middle of that star could be mistaken for ‘Lady Liberty,’ but either way, it is really, and originally, a depiction of the ancient Roman ‘Sol Invictus,’ which means ‘inconcurable sun,’ a popular ancient Roman myth tied to Saturn.

Coming off of consecutive weeks of Saturnalia festivities in February with both the 2017 Grammy Awards and the 2017 Super Bowl 51, one certainly could ask: why is all this Saturn worship important?

In a book, Esoteric Hollywood, by Jay Dyer (page 44), I  read recently, I came across this quote from a Reformed Christian philosopher, R. J. Rushdoony, commentating on Saturnalia festivities of antiquity, who wrote of the Saturn worship re-birthing ritual process:

In ancient fertility cults, which, as genetic faiths, enthroned the lowest as the primary, a ritual return to chaos, was held to be the means of social regeneration…chaos itself was the principle of regeneration. 

Saturnalia, the primitive festival, orgies, rituals involving confusion in the form of incest, bestiality or perversion, were necessary rites and means of social regeneration.

“In fact, the festival is presented as a re-enactment of the first days of the universe, the Urzeit, the eminently creative.”

He continues:

The rebirth of nature and the rebirth of society both require the return to chaos. “The festival is thus celebrated in the context of the myth and assumes the function of regenerating the real world.”

The New World Order has voiced publicly in the past that we are ‘ready’ to be born into a new era, an era of peace, order, harmony, strength in the face of terror and law of justice (‘not the law of the jungle’). 

The debauchery of Western culture which includes child sex trafficking and ritualized murder going unchecked for several decades within high government agencies, the chaos inflicted by destroying entire nations and remaining vestiges of patriotism or ancient cultural ties, the confusion of weaponizing Nazis in Ukraine or Islamic jihadists throughout the world, and the ritual performances around Saturn in entertainment venues are all pointing to the larger Saturn ritual orchestrated upon the whole of Western civilization: the plan of this NWO is to take us into deeper chaos to regenerate the entire real world, whether you are ready or not, whether you voted to do so, or not.

I just bought Girl Scout Cookies. I was shocked to notice for the first time ever (maybe it’s been this way for a while), their award badges depict ancient Saturn symbols, like militaries of the world that esteem and honor ancient Rome – a horrible power. The Girl Scouts have many badges, way more than I’m interested in knowing about.

Yet, on very popular cookies, they put these badges with arrows to help you focus, consciously or subconsciously. The ‘Gold Award’ is the highest honor award the girls can receive, ‘making a lasting difference in the world.’ In other words, ‘a new Golden Age era,’ no doubt.

The ‘Roman cross’ looking badge is an award for creating ‘common ground’ and ‘bringing people together.’ ‘Harmony,’ in other words, like the myths of the Golden Age under Saturn’s reign and the NWO aspirations that will forever be promised but never realized. 

Why do they have to pick Saturn worship symbols of all symbols? 

Then I was reminded of the astonishingly strange opening ceremony in Europe last Spring of the new longest tunnel, Gotthard Base Tunnel, 

with a host of Saturnalia and Saturn imagery associated with inducing chaos and debauchery with a view to regeneration.

In ancient Roman times, enactment on the performance stage of the ritual of the gods in order to realize the benefits in the whole of life beyond the stage was a common practice.

It is pretty safe to say now that we are headed for nuclear war. The overlords of the earth have tapped into Saturn worship in order to channel the real powers behind this theology to invoke what they offer to our reality. Nothing will be better able than nukes to be the catalyst for widescale chaos and disorder to ‘regenerate’ everything we know.

It will take insane people or people literally tapped into the demonic powers that thirst for human blood to push us into this sort of war. 

I hope you believe it’s worth it. It will be known as the ‘nuclear holocaust’ – ‘holocaust’ actually means ‘whole burnt offering,’ and is a Jewish word that connotes honor, a worthwhile price, or, to offer a ‘gift’ or an appeasing sacrifice, typically to a deity.

But somehow we have been confused or deceived into thinking that word means ‘horrific,’ so horrific, or tragic, over the loss of lives that we can ‘never forget.’

It is actually about paying a price. Offering a sacrfice. A ritual. 

Mass annihilation of any humans is horrific for any reason, but to the orchestrators, it is ‘worth it.’

Wake up. They are pushing for a nuclear holocaust from Russia and China. My guess it will happen within the next few months. 

The Occult likes May Day.

The Moving Speeches Of James Woods & Oliver Stone At The 2017 Writers Guild Of America

When two impassioned, opinionated and very talented humans in their field who do not see eye-to-eye on a lot of things are put together there is no telling what will transpire.

At the 2017 Writers Guild of America, actor James Woods presents the Larurel Award for Screenwriting to Oliver Stone, not without, however, a moving introduction and reminder of the ‘gift’ a Screenwriter such as Oliver Stone can be to our culture.

Love or hate either of these men – neither are known for shying away from controversial commentary on politics, it was very moving to hear their words, very inspirational.

I will not quote much here from the video and spoil the captured moment but I will highlight brief insightful reflections made in this short 12 minute segment.

Stone reflects:

I believe the strengths that I had as a director grew, ultimately, from their writing, from being alone with myself, and finding the solitude that cuts through the materialism around us…

Not to remind you, younger writers, that you can be critical of your government and your society, you do not have to fit ‘in’…

There is more, so much more to hear and listen to and to take deep reflection upon with these few moments, but I will let the reader seek out the rest of Stone’s comments (and Mr. Woods’ too) in the video

Astana Symbolism: The New World Order Has A New Capitol


The New World Order needs a crisis to solve. That is how all pyramidic power and control schemes work and so those at the top, either create a crisis or allow the less knowledgeable or unaware at the bottom to create one or several. Then, the more knowledgeable at the top offer the solution or enforce one that was manufactured from somewhere.

Either way, the powerful stay powerful and their status is reinforced but never shared.

They need clueless or ignorant masses that are kept in the dark while the few at the top appear more knowledgeable and offer the ‘reasonable’ solutions for those at the bottom, which actually turns out to be compliance-obedience-enslavement to the few at the top of the pyramid.

‘Reason’ is not always needed or wanted. Loyalty is better.

For those who begin to advance towards the top, more knowledge and organizational awareness is allowed.

You can find this sort of organizational structure in nearly every social environment in the West or America.

It is how the US government organizes. It’s how the US government bureaucracy, the US miltary organize. It’s how the United Nations organizes. It’s how corporations organize.

It is how small businesses organize. Schools, clubs and sports organize this way.  Hospitals do this too. It’s how most churches and many religious groups organize. They are rarely about experiencing truth!

It is important to note here, truth and knowledge are not necessarily the same things. They sometimes intersect but they are distinct.

Those at the top are the highest stake holders. They stand to gain the most and lose the most if the organization implodes or ceases to exist.

It’s certainly how the occult, Freemasonry and Illumaniti organizations are structured.


The pyramidic hierarchies are the preferred organizing structure for power and the advancement of agenda.

Though those on top positions of power may tell those at the bottom that there are benefits, there can be great losses like freedom or truth for those who succumb or are enticed.

The Occult, Freemasonry and Illumaniti have so thoroughly built and influenced American culture it would be difficult to escape completely this style of human organization in this context.

So when Americans organize for some sort of cause, they tend to organize this way. It feels safe and familiar. It initially feels ‘right.’ It’s what most have grown to expect when people come together for prolonged action and momentum.

I like how former Satanic Priest, Mark Passio, provides the above picture that defines for us ‘occult’ and ‘occultism.’

‘To keep hidden or secret.’ In the pyramid, the few at the top hold knowledge about the reality of the pyramidic order and the laws of nature or natural law. The ignorant masses at the bottom hold less knowledge and experience less of the natural law – it’s kept hidden from them.

Recruits into this sort of structured organization always have to decide what degree of cost-benefit payoff is in store to join and participate.

But, to be sure, there will never be more payoff than those at the top receive and you may lose everything at your own expense and you’ll never find freedom in it.

You can’t, because finding freedom requires truth discovery and then constantly feeding on truth to really live and be free. The pyramidic organizational structure controls the environment to restrict the masses from access to truth.

Knowledge is manipulated not to point people to truth, but to keep people focused on knowledge acquisition and busy for the organizational agenda to add power to the few at the top. It can be exhausting and draining for everyone underneath the top.

Those in power only want knowledge discovery to be accessed in so far as it advances themselves and feeds their own power status.

It makes them feel like God! And they love seeing loyalists offering themselves as a sacrifice.

Passio, as a former Satanic Priest, says Satanism is not really about worshipping the biblical Satan or Devil but about man trying to be God.

He has said all the worshipping of the devil stuff within Satanism is very low pyramidic activity. This sort of activity plays a role in fueling the few at the top.

This information on the occult, then, provides us a lense to assess and discern human organizing – even at the geopolitical level.

Powerful governments follow this organizing model because it keeps them in power and control.

This week, several nations of the Eurasian corridor of economic trade are meeting at the new world capitol city of the 21st Century, Astana, Kazakhstan. The main reason being billed is Syria: The International Peace Talks on Syrian Settlement.

The manufactured problem? A 6 year war between the Syrian government and Sunni Islamic tribes that the Americans cannot solve. The Americans only add to the problem.

I wonder if this American ‘problem child’ was intended all along.

The solution? The new Iran, Turkey, Russia coordination of the peace talks between Syria and Islamic jihadists to broker a deal.

There is no better time or place than this for the deep occultic New World Order to symbolically send a message to the world: “This is the order we value and we need everyone to believe it is the best way forward for the world in light of the times.”

It is my opinion the stage is being rapidly set to address the ‘American problem’ again one day soon from this New World Order.

What is the problem? America’s ‘dominance.’ America has become so clumsy or ‘belligerent’ in the global order that it seems nearly suicidal.

Suicides are planned deaths. The Illuminati, Freemasonry New World Order is planning something big and they have been hinting at it loudly for a couple of years.

The American masses are ignorant. That has been planned too.

Domestically, the news is largely casting Russia as the large dissenting voice in the global order. Globally, America’s position or dominance is casted as ‘unipolar’ and ‘old world order.’

Many of the images of enticement of Astana reflect beauty, design, wealth, peace, entrepreneurship, corporate, tradition, technology, brilliant, futurist, smart, luxurious, peace, progress and power.

Let me briefly direct your focus to the picture on top of various buildings of Astana.

If you take notice, the design reflects a super modernized Western capitalistic one even though the architecture seen here is much more ancient and Eastern in its roots: Egypt.

Astana does actually have Islamic and modern Islamic architecture too, but the images here would likely be more familiar to American readers, and as I alluded earlier, much of American core society was built and constructed by Freemasonry.

The Astana Palace building, which could look like a modernized Washington Capitol Building or St. Peter’s Bascilica of the Vatican City, looks to be set in between two towers from certain angles.

The ornate Astana style ‘Tree of Life’ tower (see below) with the phoenix bird egg on top signifies new birth.

The dimly red-lit room, which is located inside the pyramid shaped building, The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, appears like the North Pole of the Planet Saturn.


In case you are not aware, Saturn, factors heavily into the occult. In fact, what is often referred to as the ‘Jewish star,’ ‘the Star of David,’ or the ‘Rothschild seal,’ are all actually the geometric shape of a cube which can be found at the top of Saturn.

Star imagery and symbolism often seen in many different religions are actually referring to or symbolizing Saturn. Sol Invictus, for example, is the inconcurable sun, Saturn.

Saturn worship, historically, wherever it surfaces, has signs and symbols of stars, crosses of various forms, and cubes (often black), boxes or sqaures and pyramids along with human blood sacrifice.

‘Holocaust’ comes to mind because armies or religions that historically have Saturn worship or rampant imagery reflecting the Saturn star somehow incorporate mass killing or sacrifice of humans.

Nazi Germany used the Saturn symbols on their miltary badges and medals. The Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Empire – Sol Invictus. The US miltary and intelligence agencies, many police and sheriff departments, Islam and various ancient Egyptian religions.

‘Holocaust’ literally means ‘whole burnt offering.’ How the illuminati has helped to keep this true meaning from the masses.

‘Offering’ means to give or present a gift and in a religious sense that means to a deity.

What religion or deity would find mass human ‘holocaust’ a joyful gift or honor to receive? What sort of humans would?

What if nuclear holocaust is perfectly acceptable? How does mass annihilation become memorably honorable?

Saturn star imagery, along with a host of Freemasonry symbolism, is being bombarded at us, the masses, lately and for the last several years.

You can find it on commercials, movie scenes, miltary medals and banners, religious relics and more. It is all over news reports and the television broadcasts of Olympic games.

It seems like more and more, corporate media is presenting this sun image, which is really Saturn in front of the masses.

Symbols are not thought about as often as words. They do not meet as much scrutiny but they are used with intentional purpose by those who hold the knowledge.

Knowledge is not for the masses in schemes like these and it’s hard to experience truth.

Keep an eye out for Saturn imagery and symbolism. Keep your eye on Astana. It has a plan.
