Peasants: the road to food sovereignty | New Internationalist

The stunning conclusions of Pat Mooney and Nnimmo Bassey who reported to policy makers in Rome and Bonn at environmental conferences provided data on the importance of peasant farming versus huge large scale industrial farming known widely for utilizing carbon fueled technologies and toxic chemicals produced by multinational corporations such as Monsanto (makers of Roundup containing glysophate).

They report that industrial scale food production chains use 75% of the world’s agricultural land to feed nearly 30% of the world versus roughly 500 million peasant farmers around the world using less than 25% of the land and almost no fossil fuels or chemicals to feed 70% of humanity.

Consumers pay $7.5 trillion a year for industrially produced food.

Read the full article here:

Former Satanic Priest Explains How The Dark Occult Is Influencing Our Media & National Psyche Concerning Pediogate 

If anyone should be able to recognize the sinister manipulation and activity of the dark occult, it would be former Satanic Priest, Mark Passio.

About 3 minutes into the following interview with Alex Jones’ employees, as shown on The Great Work channel, Passio talks about how the Pizzagate/Pediogate worldwide human trafficking issue was buried by the dark occult forces through “desperate” measures by putting out falsified narratives of Trump collusion with Russia and Russian election hacking.

Watch the full fascinating interview here to learn how spirituality is being weaponized and harnessed to influence our culture:

Watch “”All Of Us,Tricked Into Saturn/Satan Worship”” on YouTube

The globally dominate religion of the world and governments such as the US with zero scrutiny or criticism:

I Walked Pointless in Vietnam | Mike Hastie

By Mike Hastie on Counter Punch:

“…By November 1967, 20,000 Americans have been killed in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara is replaced by Clark Clifford. McNamara privately admits to President Johnson that he believes the war in Vietnam is unwinnable, and that is brought out in Episode 5.

Now, let’s go back to the Vietnam veteran who was in that ambush in 1969. He is the one who watched Episode 5. Let’s get this straight: President Johnson decides not to run for reelection in 1968, and President Nixon is elected. By the time Nixon leaves office in utter disgrace on August 9, 1974, over 58,000 Americans are killed in Vietnam.

That’s 38,000 more dead after Robert McNamara tells President Johnson that the war in Vietnam is unwinnable. When the war is over, 300,000 Americans are wounded, and more Vietnam veterans will commit suicide than were killed in Vietnam. 

Can you imagine what is going through the head of that veteran who was ambushed in 1969 by the Viet Cong, and… by his own government? He went to Vietnam in a cattle car, riddled with bull shit. The Viet Cong tried to kill him, but they did not betray him like his immoral government. As Malcolm X once said: “To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.”

Can you imagine what is going through the heads of every soldier who served in Vietnam after November 1967, when the war was over, and we stayed in that war under President Nixon to Save Face! Can you imagine what is going on with tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans who will be watching Episode 5?

The war had its own momentum. How do you stop a war that is making millions and millions of dollars for corporations across the United States? For me, W A R stands for, Wealthy Are Richer. When politicians and the rich start sending their kids to war, I’ll start believing in noble causes.”

Read the full article at:

The Rebel Jesus – Christmas Implications | Jackson Browne

“Pardon me if I have seemed to take the tone of judgement for I have no wish to come between this day and your enjoyment.”

This is how Jackson Browne winds down his moving song, as “a heathen and a pagan on the side of the rebel, Jesus,” to quote his own words.

Stunning how he wrote this song decades ago, yet, the broken and greedy capitalist trajectory of America, and the plight of the poor, have only magnified, to horrific scales two decades into the 21st Century.

What sort of human ideology is it that perpetuates and multiplies our depravity toward fellow humanity?

Well, as Browne indicates, it requires “judgement” to assesses whether or not something is dysfunctional and possibility evil. It requires “judgement” if one is going to appraise something as “good.”

If one taps into a beautiful standard of “good,” and is able to appraise all things within that standard, then light bursts forth and the darkness of a matter, or all things is exposed, even the churches of Jesus.

Astutely, Browne sees through the facade of Christianity and humanity in general:

“But if any one of us should interfere in the business of why there are poor, the get the same as the rebel Jesus.”

“Give a little to the poor,” but to end the condition of “poor” one has to ask why there are poor and this will lead one to the behaviors and beliefs of other humans. It is not mysterious or rocket science.

Consider Browne’s nuggets of truth and wisdom this Christmas.

Hear the full song and read the full lyrics on the below YouTube channel:

Watch “What’s with Wheat? | Cyndi O’Meara | TEDxWilmington” on YouTube

When you are talking about spraying crops humans consume with arsenic, lead, DDT, and of course, Roundup (Glyphosate), you are speaking of corporations (and the humans behind those corporations) such as Monsanto.

Monsanto, is a globalist, new world order aligned chemical petroleum linked corporation begun by members of the Knights of Malta.

Mansanto is one of the first corporations to manufacture saccharine, a petroleum derivative sweetener. Mansanto owned NutraSweet, the toxic sweetener with aspartame, then sold it to Yale graduate investor, J. W. Childs. Monsanto is also the producer of the chemical weaponry the US government unleashed upon Vietnamese, Agent Orange, during the Vietnam War. Chemical warfare is the constant allegation the US now regularly invokes when they want to remove foreign leaders such as Saddam Hussein or Bashar al Assad of Syria from power – even without verified evidence.

Americans are, unknowingly, enduring their own chemical warfare unleashed upon them. Hear Cindi O’ Meara talk about what she and her own farming family experienced:

Watch “The JonBenĂ©t Ramsey Mystery (Why It’s Still Relevant Today)” on YouTube

Really Graceful YouTube channel does a fabulous job providing us context concerning assault of children, along with ritual sexual assault, the dark activity truly behind Pizzagate and a global sex and body part trafficking ring.

The current trend of exposing the uncontrollable sexual appetites of, primarily, senior citizens, or adults closely approaching that age, serves,  among other things, as a smoke screen in order to hide the darker and more nefarious phenomenon.

It is my personal belief, we are living in a Saturn worship culture, where the ruling elite, have not only tapped into the ancient narratives of Saturnalia, they have bound themselves to the demonic entities linked to ancient Saturn worship, which requires continues child sacrifice.

Think about this in light of all the scrutiny, even if much of it is deserved, among Christianity and Islam.

Just as ancient Rome tapped into Saturnalia to invoke Saturn’s “promise” of peace, harmony, longevity and prosperity, along with the promises of military might, humans are strategically doing it again. These are great incentives for the ruling elite and military industrial complex driving all US hostilities and wars currently.

Yet, nearly zero scrutiny is directed towards this massive and comprehensive religious occult practice.

This is why the elite are linked to the state and both the elite and the state are linked to all things of cultural significance right now in America (and why we keep seeing Saturn worship symbols, icons and images pop up all over the place such as churches, mosques, Freemasonry, the NFL, NASA, corporate logos, Hollywood productions, the music performance industry, the US government and military, and on and on) – all to advance the New World Order.

For those who do not know more about Saturn worship, Saturn was once known as a sun to the ancients. “Sol” was the reference to Saturn, not our sun today as is often erroneously assumed.

It is the desire of the elite (and certainly the practitioners) to keep all of this hidden from you.

I could go on and on, but the more pressing matter is related to the video below by Really Graceful:

Vaccines: The Genocidal Phenomenon 

The evidence is out there, “in plain sight,” according to Medical Doctor, Sherri Tenpenney. The dangers, risks and scientific criticisms about vaccines are in the medical journals according to this career long expert and practitioner.

Dr. Tenpenney, from 1986 to 1998, was an Emergency Medical physician, and Director of the Emergency Department in Findlay, Ohio. She has received great criticism over the years for her positions which she now holds after which she was once a skeptic of the anti-vaccination camp.

In the below recoding of an interview she did a couple of years ago (from Red Ice TV), she covers a range of issues including the faulty science and premises employed by the medical industry and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) pertaining to vaccinations.

Most, Americans tend to look at the vaccination industry as a phenomenon built upon high moral ethics and pure science, stripped clean, or “sterilized,” of metaphysical or religious type of ideology. They will be shocked to hear from the words of one of the fathers of vaccinations from the 20th Century.

So, I’ve included an additional video (the first video, which lays out the little known ideology)  from Jay Dyer who will briefly, coherently and intelligently take you through some direct excerpts of Dr. Jonas Salk’s book, who is accredited with inventing one of the first polio vaccines, The Survival Of The Wisest (published 1972). In this particularly video you will discover how sociopathic and sinister Dr. Salk was.

The ideology is being expressed today in various forms through vaccination from one degree to another. I have actually been a part of churches that wholeheartedly endorse vaccinations and help provide these lethal concoctions within their own walls or export them all over the world.

Yet, still, if this is not enough for you to awaken you, I will leave an additional link of ongoing reporting with top-notch research found on Steemit.

How The Unholy Alliance Of Freemasonry, The Illuminati, The Rothschilds Are Working Together To Influence All Things To Advance The NWO

There is really nothing new for me or anyone else to offer along these lines. There is plenty of information accessible, but it is simply widely ignored. There could be clarifying information added by someone in the future.

But as far as the reality of the unholy alliance of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds all working together to influence all things possible on earth to help usher in the phenomenon on the New World Order, it is constantly necessary to present introductory information to people as much as possible because our culture and our world is that asleep, disconnected, unplugged or blissfully ignorant and quite happy to assist in advancing the cause of some of the greatest evil of humanity the planet has ever known.

With the rise of unjustifiable and illegal wars committed by nations like the United States that boasts before the world of its moral “exceptionalism” above the whole world, while a global pedophilia-child sex trade & human sacrifice industry rages on while being protected by governments like the US and UK governments, coupled with massive adult sexual debauchery of all kinds continuously being brought to light by whistleblowers in the entertainment, Christian religious, banking and political industries it is very important to note how people handle this sort of reality.

How do all things “good” become twisted into “bad?” How do all things “bad” become inverted into “good?” What sort of ideology drives all that? 

Many people act as if the important thing is that you just ignore it while focus harder and harder on doing “good” things to help change the world, as if this will make this evil go away or vanish. This mindset actually has roots in Eastern- Hinduistic influence. Its certainly not found in Abrahamic Judaism nor in Christianity.

Too few people take the higher road: expose the works of darkness. Telling the truth, seeking righteousness and doing justice are all “good” things to do when confronted with evil. Be children of the light.

There may have been a time when Abrahamic religions presented followers of their faiths as true children of the light. Well, that day no longer widely exists if they ever did.

Since I’m Christian, I speak most astutely concerning the Christian religion, historically and presently.

I have worked a long time professionally in church and vocational ministry. For more than 10 years, I worked at an influential church in Dallas, Texas. While I had known about Freemasonry influence in churches, this is where I had my first known and direct brush with Freemasons and Freemasonry influence in the Church of Jesus Christ. That church is still twisted into Luciferianism.

Most Christians, like most of the members and staff of that church I worked for are not aware Freemasonry is a Luciferian cult. Denial does not make this phenomenon go away, vanish or impotent.

Years ago, a Jewish Rabbi, Marvin Antelman, wrote a book titled, To Eliminate The Opiate.

Antelman calls his book, “an in-depth study of Communists and conspiratorial group efforts to destroy Jews and Judiasm.” I would wholeheartedly agree with him.

Yet, the phenomenon of which he speaks is not just an effort to destroy Judiasm, it has already targeted Christiainty and all other religions and humans. It is bent on complete and total control. Antelman refers to this as Sabbatain-Frankist mysticism.

And, in order to accomplish total global control, servants of this pyramidic occultic hierarchy seek to infiltrate through secrecy, deception and lies all things in order to enslave all people and destroy the rest. In so doing, it is embedded with imperialism, banking, entertainment, favored sports within the social order, militaries, religions, medical sectors and more. It really is about total control.

Let me say here, just because I reference or post content, does not mean I believe or support all things that author or a content creator presents.

Antelman is very smart and highly informed. I commend his work to you.

There are many other authors of whom I could point to you. I originally learned of this phenomenon from a retired physician, Stanley Monteith in the 1990’s.

But it is an Anthropologist, that I want to direct you to for an excellent introduction on this massive, comprehensive issue.

It is through the work of Robert Sepehr and his Atlantean Gardens that you can begin an excellent awareness of the dark occultic nature of Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the Rothschilds.

Again, this is not an issue that is going away any time soon, particularly with so much denial. The famous Hollywood producer, Stanley Kubrick, tried to enlighten us of it through so many of his films, like “Eyes Wide Shut,” – he was dismissed. Even current top music performers like Awolnation and David Bowie have. 

I even have parents ask me what is the Illuminati because their children come home from school as if it is some silly joke.

It is no joke:

He also has a longer, more detailed version, along with important books to this matter.

After you watch the above video, it is now important to watch the following:

Watch “Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming” on YouTube

“It’s what Agenda 21 has been about all along…”